The 2016 BC Aboriginal Provincial Golf Championships Were Hosted In Partnership With Talking Rock Golf Course And The Little Shuswap Band From August 7th-9th, 2016 in Chase, BC - Image Courtesy Aboriginal Sport BC
by Gino Cutri/British Columbia Golf
For a child’s overall development, participation in sports goes a long way. It introduces them to certain disciplines, rules, sportsmanship, and social encounters. Golf checks off all those boxes, in this article we look into where the participation levels are with respect to Aboriginal youth.
The current level of participation seems to be stable at this time. Lara Mussell, the sports director for Aboriginal Sport, Recreation, and Physical Activity Partner’s Council says it’s a very exciting time of year with the Aboriginal Golf Championships taking place.
“We usually see every year at our annual provincial golf event 12 or 13 kids but we usually see a lot of new faces, and the ones that return get better every year. Its not like soccer where you see hundreds of kids but the quality of kids that come, and the leaders too, both are really great.”