ModGolf Podcast: Mastering The Art Of "Nimble Amnesia"

In the latest episode of the ModGolf Podcast, show creator and host Colin Weston talks to Ron Powers, Head Of Swing Suite Division At Full Swing Simulators.
“Out of adversity comes opportunity”... Benjamin Franklin
"A virtue never untested is no virtue at all"... Billy Bragg
What do the photocopier and golf simulator business have in common? Guest Ron Powers connects the dots on this episode of The ModGolf Podcast.
Mastering The Art Of "Nimble Amnesia"
The very first ModGolf Podcast episode guest back in May 2017 was Ron Powers, who was at the time Chief Digital Officer at Topgolf. Ron joins host Colin Weston again to update us on the last four years of his entrepreneurial journey - from the euphoric high of scaling a new business unit to the crushing low of having it completely shut down by a global pandemic - and how they successfully reimagined a business in order to save it.
Click HERE or on the banner below to listen to this podcast.
Show Notes and Ron Quotes
"The future of gambling is Skills-Based Gaming, where you can place a bet on the outcome of your own golf shot performance. I see the evolution of skill gaming and the power of multiple networks coming into play where the user profile, the interconnectivity and the skill gaming components will change the dynamic dramatically."
"I don't think that I'm a particularly patient person but instead have a case of "Nimble Amnesia". I try a lot of things, set certain expectations on what I'm looking to achieve and if it fails I forget about it. Then I move on to the next one."
"So about the middle of July after a lot of sleepless nights, I woke up on a Friday evening just in a cold sweat panic. What is going on? How do I save the business? And I thought, "Gosh, if I could bundle this up and get it out from underneath Topgolf. Is there a way that I could sell this business perhaps to Ryan and allow him to operate it?" He's got the resources. He's got the expertise. He certainly knows the simulator space. It's his technology after all. So I called Ryan that Saturday morning and we crafted a wacky plan to sell the business to Full Swing and let them operate it and then we shared in the revenue that was generated from the current installations. Then we share in the revenue of any new installs. Topgolf liked the fact that we could keep the brand alive, maintain the same level of service and there would be a healthy revenue stream coming out of it and that's what we ended up doing."
You can learn more about Ron on his bio page.