BC Golf Women's Golf Day Scramble A Hit Across The Province

The ' Cedar Hill Birdie Bunch' Were Just One Of The 112 Teams That Entered The BC Golf Women's Golf Day 'Cloud Scramble' - Image Courtesy Cedar Hill Birdie Bunch
Between May 25th and Tuesday, June 1st, coinciding with International Women's Golf Day, British Columbia Golf ran a 'Cloud Scramble' for teams put together across the province. Players created their own team, played at the location of their choice and submitted results. Prizes were done on a draw basis with the focus of the event to get out, participate and have fun.
It appears that's exactly what happened as participation was terrific with over 100 teams entering.
"We would like to thank everyone who participated in our virtual scramble event in celebration of @womensgolfday. Between May 25th and June 1st we had 112 teams submit scorecards from all over the province," said tournament organizer, BC Golf Participation Manager, Tyler Mckay.
Please visit our Instagram page to see photos of some of the team as submitted by groups who enjoyed a fun day of golf all around BC.