BC Golf House Society 2017 Membership Campaign Drive

Purchase Your New 2017 Membership Or Renew Your 2017 Membership Before December 31st, 2016 And You Are Automatically Entered To Win A Framed And Autographed Photo Of Jack Nicklaus And Arnold Palmer At The Masters
The BC Golf House Society wishes to thank everyone who has renewed or purchased a New Membership. They really appreciate your support. They are 30% towards their goal of selling 150 memberships before December 31, 2016.
Your membership is very important to the BC Golf House Society and the Directors gratefully extend their appreciation to the 2016 membership. Members are the life blood of the Society and it is their hope that they can count on your continued support in 2017.
The BC Golf House Society has set the goal to sell 150 memberships before December 31, 2016. The 150 will be a combination of renewal or new memberships. Please renew or join now to assist them in fulfilling their goal - "To preserve BC's rich golfing history".
Your 2017 membership dues will assist the BC Golf House Society in creating a new display in 2017 to recognize 125 YEARS OF WOMEN IN BC GOLF. The new exhibit will focus on three aspects: the changes in fashion, the changes in equipment, and the champions. They will attempt to identify the women champions for BC tournaments that have been played for at least 50 years.
Individual Memberships are based on the calendar year. The cost is $25.00 including...
- A tax receipt for $25.00
- A monthly e-newsletter
- Unlimited access to the Golf Museum and Hall of Fame for you and your immediate family
- First opportunity to purchase tickets to the 2017 Hall of Fame dinner
Purchase Your New 2017 Membership Or Renew Your 2017 Membership Before Dec. 31St, 2016 And You Are Automatically Entered To Win A Framed And Autographed Photo Of Jack Nicklaus And Arnold Palmer At The Masters.
The BC Golf House is home to the BC Golf Museum and the Golf Hall of Fame of British Columbia. As a non-profit society it relies on the support of the golf community to continue its work to preserving and to display the history of golf in BC, to recognize its elite players, and to contribute to the enjoyment of the game of golf in the province.
JOIN THEM "to preserve BC's rich golfing history".
CLICK HERE to go to the Membership Form on BC Golf Society website.
BC Golf House Society
2545 Blanca St., Vancouver, BC,
V6R 4N1