BC Golf Canada Summer Games Selection Camp Coming To Olympic View GC In Victoria

Olympic View Golf Club Will Be The Site Of A Canada Summer Games Selection Camp For The 2017 Canada Summer Games In Winnipeg
For Immediate Release
British Columbia Golf will be hosting a Canada Summer Games Selection Camp on Saturday, October 1st and Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 at Olympic View Golf Club, Victoria, BC. The 2017 Canada Summer Games will showcase the best athletes in Canada who are on the fast track to the Olympics for 2020 in multiple sports, including golf.
Celebrating its 50th Anniversary and Canada’s 150th Birthday, the Games will be “an extra” special experience for the 4,000 athletes and coaches who will participate in 2017. British Columbia – Team BC Golf has captured every gold medal at the Games since 2009, with past BC gold medalists including: Eugene Wong, Kevin Kwon, Sue Kim and Taylor Kim.
The Selection Camp will be led by four BC Provincial Golf Coaches – Lead Coach, Matt Cella, Keri Moffat, Colin Lavers and Matt Palsenbarg, the 2015 Western Canada Summer Games coach, along with several sport-science specialists.
The Camp is the first of 3 camps to start the selection process for Team BC for GOLF for the 2017 Canada Summer Games being held in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Only 24 BC junior boys and girls will be selected to attend the October 1 & 2nd Camp, players must be under 19 as of August 1st, 2017 or born on August 2nd, 1998 or later.
The 2017 Canada Summer Games Selection Camp is OPEN to all eligible BC juniors (boys and girls) who meet the selection guidelines: age, citizenship, a member in good standing with BC Golf/Golf Canada and handicap factor 5.0 or below. The Canada Games are open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents as stated in the 2017 Canada Summer Games Technical Package for Golf.
"It is really exciting and an honor as a coach to be part of the process to pick the chosen Team BC for Golf to represent British Columbia and start them on their path to gold medals in the 2017 Canada Summer Games in Winnipeg," said Lead Coach Matt Cella.
Cella is also aware of the benefits of having a site like Olympic View for this elite evaluation camp, adding that, "Olympic View is extremely excited to be hosting the first training camp for the 2017 Canada Summer Games. Boasting a 12 acre realistic practice facility and challenging 18-hole championship course, Olympic View will provide an excellent opportunity for myself, Keri Moffat, Colin Lavers and Matt Palsenberg to view the chosen players and look at their skills and abilities."
The Camp is strongly recommended for BC Juniors considering:
- Final Selection to the Team BC – Golf Team for the 2017 Canada Summer Games (must attend 2 of 3 Mandatory Camps to be considered)
- Progression on the BC/Golf Canada Competitive Pathway to Compete to Win stage. For more information on the golf development stages, visit the LTPD Guide at www.golfcanada.ca
- Receive Provincial Level Coaching from certified NCCP BC Provincial Golf Coaches
- Identification for 2017 Provincial BC Teams, including 2017 & 2018 Eddie Hogan Cup
An outline of the schedule of events is available for viewing on the British Columbia Golf/BlueGolf website. For more details and to register, please CLICK HERE.
For more information, please contact the BC Golf Office at 604-279-2580 ext.206 or email debbie@britishcolumbiagolf.org, Managing Director of Player Development, British Columbia Golf.