Update On Return To Sport In BC

viaSport is working with the Province of British Columbia and the amateur sport sector to support organizations to operate safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.
All sport activities in B.C. must follow B.C.'s Restart plan Step 3 and the PHO Order on Gatherings and Events.
Step 3 of B.C.’s Restart plan is in effect as of July 1st.
B.C.’s Restart is the Province’s step-by-step plan to bring us back together. Please remember, the intention of the Restart is to slowly return to activities. Organizations are asked to turn the dimmer slowly when planning sport programming.
Recreation, leisure and individual training activities and facilities considerations
During the return to sport process, viaSport’s role is to focus on the safe return of participants to sport activities in B.C. This continues to be our number-one priority. For updates on facilities please contact your municipality, BC Recreation and Parks Association or Recreation Facilities Association of BC.
Sport organizations can/should:
- Adapt your current COVID-19 Safety Plan by applying the appropriate protocols to align with B.C.’s Restart plan
- Work with your insurance provider and/or legal council on risk mitigation
- Maintain communications with your stakeholders around the status of return to sport plans
- Consult your local health authority on their plans or guidelines for sport
- Connect with your facility operators and municipalities to understand the protocols they have in place
- Encourage your members to remain active while enjoying the outdoors and facilities that have opened in a safe manner
Click HERE for Return To Sport 2.0 pdf
Please click HERE to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) as of July 1, 2021
Liability protection announcement: The Province has now acted to extend COVID-19 liability coverage to for-profit organizations through the COVID-19 Related Measures Act (CRMA). The regulation protects people (paid or volunteer) from proceedings for civil liability for damages resulting from transmission or exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. The regulation is retroactive to January 1, 2020 and will remain in force unless and until the CRMA is repealed. This addresses the liability concerns of private LSOs. Read the regulation here.