BC Golf Offers 2025 Rules Education Seminars & Updates - KNOW YOUR RULES!

R&A Level One
Level One is a free online course that can help you avoid unnecessary penalties, ensure all the options available to you when encountered with a rules scenario, and help speed up play.
Completion of the Level One Course and Exam is a requirement for those wishing to pursue any further Rules Education below or to play in any Junior Provincial Championships.
More information can be found here: Rules Academy
Pacific Northwest Golf Association Rules Education
The PNGA’s Member Associations have partnered to deliver a six-week Rules of Golf course from February 11th to March 20th. The course is designed for those individuals who are looking to learn the Rules of Golf in depth and/or those who are preparing to take a Golf Canada OR USGA exam. The Course will be broken up into twelve 2-hour sessions over a 6-week period.
Each session will be held virtually through a Webinar. Attendees will be grouped into a cohort with a Rules expert that will hold office hours each week. During office hours the Rules expert will cover answers from sample rules questions given out during webinar session and provide additional help and learning support.
Registration is open from now until February 7th at PNGA Rules of Golf (BC Golf) - Six Week Course Event :: Welcome
BC Golf Provincial Rules Seminar
Those interested in becoming Rules Certified should enrol in a BC Golf Provincial Rules Seminar. The online Seminar runs on March 13th, 20th, 27th, and April 3rd and the in-person Seminar will run on April 7th and 8th at Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club. Participants are expected to register for the course with a basic understanding of the Rules of Golf from the PNGA Seminars, previous BC Golf seminars, or from outside resources.
Registration opens on February 3rd, here: 2025 BC Golf Rules Page Event :: Home Page