The ModGolf Podcast: Embracing Lessons - Wisdom Gained From Failure

In this episode of the ModGolf Podcast, show creator and host, Colin Weston, speaks with Igor Vainshtein, the founder of Vainshtein shares his incredible journey that started when his parents immigrated to Australia from the former USSR with $200 and no English skills whatsoever.
"I had extremely disastrous blow-ups in my career. Moments where I thought there's no way I'm coming back from this. But if I look back now, I wouldn't change a thing because all those little 'sliding doors moments' is why I'm here today."
- Igor Vainshtein, founder of
"It was a simulator venue that had six bays with lessons and it was going out of business. In the building I worked in there was a space for lease on the ground level. We ended up buying the business and moved it there for five years. An Indoor Golf Centre with 10 bays, an indoor bunker, massive putting green, a bar and a cafe. It did okay but the rent we were paying was huge so in the end we have to get out of there."
- Igor Vainshtein
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"Shortly after that I had an idea to pivot. 24-hour gyms were really booming in Australia at the time. Why don't we have a 24-hour golf simulator place where you can go and practice anytime? We built two bays and it did well. Then I opened a second venue and that one nosedived and just blew up. I closed it down, lost a lot of money with the four simulators that I had there. I put them on Facebook Marketplace and they sold in a week. I'm like 'hmm, this is interesting.' So I bought five more simulators to sell. Why am I busting my chops with these venues when I can just bring them in, sell them, make my money and never hear from the customer again? It was great. I pivoted the business. Ended up closing down my second venue and just went completely e-commerce."
- Igor Vainshtein