BC Golf Program A Highlight Of ISPARC Healthy Living E-Bulletin

In 2007, driven by the desire to improve the health and well-being of BC’s Indigenous people, several prominent provincial Indigenous organizations came together to develop a social legacy from the Cowichan 2008 North American Indigenous Games—a legacy that would lead to transformative change in the health and well-being of Indigenous people across the province.
Today, the Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council (I·SPARC) is a provincial organization established with the purpose of improving the health outcomes of Indigenous peoples by supporting and encouraging physically active individuals, families, and communities.
The programs and services delivered by I·SPARC are designed to build capacity and increase access to sport, recreation, and physical activity in First Nations communities, Métis Chartered Communities, Aboriginal Friendship Centres, schools, and other delivery agencies throughout the province.
Healthy Living Program Spotlight
Have you ever wondered exactly what kind of programming we support in community? Over the next few months leading up to Healthy Living Leader Training, we will feature some of the amazing programs our Leaders all over BC have implemented.
British Columbia Golf Manager of Participation, Tyler McKay, has been involved with I∙SPARC for the past 3 years and had this to say about working with the young kids in his golf program:
"This was my third year of being a healthy living leader and each year I have enjoyed seeing our program grow, both in terms of more kids signing up, and the kids who are there improving their golf skills. I am in a bit of a different situation in that I work for BC Golf, a PSO, who partners with the Musqueam community and their golf course to run the program. I don't live in the community so I only get to see the kids once a week.
I believe this gives me a unique perspective in seeing growth in the kids week to week. Throughout the weeks I have seen kid's golf skills go from only making contact with the ball 50% of the time to hitting consistently good shots, but more importantly I have seen their confidence and self belief grow through the game, as well as them seeing the value in spending time outdoors in an active setting. Building healthy individuals for life.
I∙SPARC does a wonderful job supporting PSO workers like me to be leaders and I could not recommend this program enough to the other sport organizations around the province."
-Tyler McKay, British Columbia Golf
To see the complete Healthy Living E-Bulletin put out by I∙SPARC click HERE.