Tom & Chip Rules Cartoons: Answers


See below for the answer to the most recent rules question as posed via BC Golf's Province-wide Newsletter from Thursday, May 23rd, 2024.


 See: Rule 21 - Other Forms of Individual Stroke Play and Match Play


Previous Tom & Chip Rules Cartoons

See: Rule 4 - The Player’s Equipment

See: Rule 6 - Playing A Hole

See: Rule 9 - Ball Played as It Lies; Ball at Rest Lifted or Moved

See: Rule 17.1d(2) - Penalty Areas (Back-on-the-line relief) 

See: Rule 3 - The Competition & Rule 20 - Resolving Rules Issues During Round; Rulings by Referee and Committee


If you are interested in learning more about the rules of golf or becoming involved in that capacity with British Columbia Golf please contact Jerome Goddard 


Did you know the right answer? Need a gift for a golfer?

“Golf Rules Cartoons with Tom & Chip” makes learning the rules a pleasure. In 80 cartoons, all the official rules from 1-24 are explained in an amusing and easy-to-understand way. With the new rules, effective 1st January 2023.

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“Golf Rules Quick Reference” is the world’s best-selling golf book – multi-award winning, recommended by golf associations and more than 2.5 million copies sold. The handy, water-repellent rules guide answers virtually every rules question in a matter of seconds. A “must” in every golf bag. With the new rules, effective 1st January 2023.

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