Rules of Amateur Status Changes Will Help Introduce The Game To Underserved Demographics

image courtesy Iron Lady Golf/Golf Canada
By John Gordon/Golf Canada
“The Rules of Amateur Status.” “Growing the game.”
In the past, those phrases were seldom mentioned in the same breath.
But let’s give credit where it’s due. The Rules of Amateur Status are essential for preserving the integrity of the game by clearly delineating the difference between an amateur golfer and a pro. For example, amateurs must not accept payment or other compensation for giving instruction. (Golf instruction involves teaching the mechanics of swinging a club and hitting the ball.)
That mandate belongs to PGA of Canada members.
But recent changes to those Rules offer an exception if the instruction is part of a program that has been approved in advance. To date, two programs—First Tee Canada and Iron Lady Golf—have been approved. Each application is reviewed jointly by Golf Canada and the PGA of Canada.
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