The ModGolf Podcast: Entrepreneurial Lessons Transferred From The Trading Floor - Eileen Jurczak, Founder And CEO Of Xonic Golf

In this episode of the ModGolf Podcast, show creator and host, Colin Weston, talks to Eileen Jurczak, Founder And CEO Of Xonic Golf. A former Trading Room Floor denizen for BMO, Jurczak had an AHA moment that led to her starting up Xonic Golf.
"At that point in my life I was working on the trading floor for many years with BMO and had been introduced to artificial intelligence in the financial realm. Not in sports but AI nonetheless. The two came together and I said 'wait a second, I wonder if there's a product here? I wonder if we can bring together AI and this passion for golf?"
"That would be a dream come true if I could start a golf related business!' That's where the seed of the idea came. There has been a lot of work and learning since then, but that was the AHA moment for Xonic Golf."
- Eileen Jurczak, Founder and CEO of Xonic Golf
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"A lot of people don't know this about the stock exchange trading floor. While it's in a large financial institution, it's a very entrepreneurial atmosphere with dozens of small businesses being run by a handful of people. We're responsible for wearing multiple hats in each of these businesses to market it, to grow it, to manage the finances. You're doing everything and you're working hard! The idea of 'Hey, we want your ideas, bring them to the table' fosters that innovative entrepreneurial mindset. I'm using all the skills and experience that I've built up my entire life and career. It's incredible."
- Eileen Jurczak, Founder and CEO of Xonic Golf