BC Summer Games In Prince George A Big Success

Image Courtesy George Sasaki/BC Summer Games
The 2022 BC Summer Games held in Prince George went off beautifully these past few days and more tremendous memories and friendships were made by people from all over our great province.
British Columbia Golf would like to acknowledge the medallists from the Golf Competition in the Girls, Boys and Mixed Team events.
2022 BC Summer Games - Prince George
Golf Results
Girls Golf Medallists: Zone City
Grace Yao Gold Vancouver-Coastal (5) West Vancouver
Cadence Ko Silver Vancouver-Coastal (5) Richmond
Amy Lee Bronze Fraser Valley (3) Langley
Boys Golf Medallists
Austin Krahn Gold Kootenays (1) Christina Lake
Maguire Lines Silver Vancouver Island-Central Coast (6) Victoria
Manpreet Lalh Silver Vancouver Island-Central Coast (6) Nanaimo
Mixed Team Medallists:
Kootenays (Zone 1) Gold
Team Members:
Lexus Coates Nakusp
Austin Krahn Christina Lake
Mitchell Krahn Christina Lake
Ashlyn Rejman Creston
Adrian Roberts Rossland
Jordis Smith Nakusp
Vancouver Island-Central Coast (Zone 6) Silver
Team Members:
Sarah Armstrong Comox
Calla Eastgaard-Zaharko Victoria
Manpreet Lalh Nanaimo
Maguire Lines Victoria
Mack Sanderson Qualicum Beach
Vienna Scheffer Victoria
Fraser Valley (Zone 3) Bronze
Team Members:
Zackary Bos Abbotsford
Zhiyan Chen Langley
Joe Corke Chilliwack
Amy Lee Langley
Maxim McKenzie Chilliwack
Click HERE to see scoring