BC Amateur Sport Flood Relief Fund

The BC Amateur Sport Fund is raising funds to give amateur sports organizations the vital support they need to survive and rebuild in the aftermath of the recent floods in British Columbia.
You can designate your donation to a specific community, sport or club, or make a general donation which will go to the greatest need selected by Sport BC. You cannot donate to support a specific individual.
Your donation can help community sport organizations across the province with costs including rebuilding facilities and replacing equipment, rental of temporary facilities and travel costs.
Sport BC will match $10,000 in donations to the Flood Relief Project. Sport BC will match every dollar raised up to $500 for each PSO (Provincial Sport Organization) and affiliate, up to a total of $10,000.
Click HERE to see donation page.
If you would like more information about how your sports group can raise funds with BCASF, contact Andy Price at andy.price@sportbc.com.
The BC Amateur Sport Fund is the BC chapter of the Canadian Council of Provincial & Territorial Sport Federations, a Registered Canadian Amateur Athletic Association with charitable status (CRA number 88938 6868 RR0001).The BC Amateur Sport Fund is administered by Sport BC to promote participation, competition, and governance in amateur sport across Canada.