12 Tips To Finally Take Your Offseason Golf Practice To The Next Level

By John Gordon - Courtesy Golf Canada
Unless you’re fortunate enough to live in southern British Columbia, most Canadian golfers are looking at a golf season of about six months. That leaves us the other half of the year to … do what?
Watch golf, think about golf, dream about golf, do just about everything except play golf.
But if you’re serious about hitting the first tee next spring in mid-season form, there are many ways to do that: Eating healthier, getting or staying in shape, improving your swing, practicing your putting and short game and more.
No matter where you live across the country, there are experts in all of these areas. Golf Canada reached out to a few to get you started on the right track.
Have a look at these along with the many other opportunities offered online and do more than just dream about next season.
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