BC Golf Seeks Editorial Contributors

British Columbia Golf is looking for a few internet-savvy golf enthusiasts to do some part-time research and writing…
BC Golf has begun the process of expanding and tailoring communication channels with the province’s amateur golfers.
Earlier this year, a regional website concept was tested focussing on Vancouver Island golf news (www.vanislegolfnews.com). Based on its success, two more covering the Lower Mainland and BC’s Interior will be up and running by Spring next year.
Also going live in early 2022 will be a new site focussing on women. The Women's Golf Project (www.womensgolfproject.com) is intended to cover both women’s golf news and interests and attract girls and women to the game.
To generate content for these sites, BC Golf and publishing partner Inside Golf, are looking for individuals to be both content aggregators and writers.
Says Inside Golf Publisher Jeff Sutherland, “Individuals, facilities and organizations across the province are creating top-tier content. We see getting that content out to BC Golf’s members as a win-win… relevant news for golfers and an increased audience for this great content.”
These initiatives are part of a 5-year strategic plan for British Columbia Golf to be released before the new year.
BC Golf CEO Kris Jonasson explains, “These communication channels mesh with our goal to increase participation… to amplify communications to accelerate the implementation and support of Golf Canada’s Participation programs and to engage golfers, regardless of age and/or ability, with resources to increase frequency of play, improve health, wellness, and enhance enjoyment of the game.”
The three positions for the geographically-oriented regional news websites primarily involve “content aggregation” and are seasonal and part-time in nature.
The other two positions are for the Women’s Golf Project. These positions are more general in nature… to be reporters, interviewers and commentators.
Anyone interested in any of these positions can find the complete job descriptions posted on the BC Golf website which can be linked to HERE.
For more information, contact Bryan Outram - Manager, Communications at bryan@britishcolumbiagolf.org or Toll free: 1.888.833.2242 ext. 207