First Tee Canada Launches With British Columbia Chapter Off First

In 2020, Golf Canada partnered with First Tee to launch First Tee – Canada. Together, the partnership will bring First Tee’s youth development emphasis to strengthen Golf Canada’s junior golf activities – previously conducted under the Future Links brand – that reach kids in communities, schools, and golf facilities.
Golf Canada will serve as the national headquarters of First Tee – Canada. First Tee chapters are being established in markets across Canada to deliver programs in their respective regions, with First Tee British Columbia being the first out of the gate.
First Tee – British Columbia was launched in 2021 as the first official chapter of First Tee – Canada. In close collaboration with the British Columbia Golf Association (British Columbia Golf) and oversight from Golf Canada, First Tee – British Columbia operates First Tee programs throughout the province of British Columbia.
First Tee builds experiences that build character. We believe experiences are our greatest teacher and that they should be both fun and meaningful, where kids feel excited to grow, safe to fail and better equipped for whatever comes their way.
By seamlessly integrating the game of golf with a life skills curriculum, we create active learning experiences that build inner strength, self-confidence and resilience that kids carry to everything they do.
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