Burnaby Mountain Ladies Golf Club Celebrates 50 years On June 1st

On June 1st of this year the Burnaby Mountain Ladies Golf Club will celebrate their 50th year of operation, co-inciding with International Women's Golf Day. Over the years they have worked hard to grow and improve the environment for the not for profit club at Burnaby Mountain Golf Course, boasting a membership of 112 ladies ranging in age (from 30 - 96 years) and abilities (8 - 40 handicap).
On Tuesday, June 1st, BMLGC Members will participate in a special game to honour their 50th Anniversary and celebrate women getting recommended physical activity in a perfect low impact sport.
In honour of 50 years, all BMLGC Members received a commemorative ball marker gift along with a special 50 chocolate treat. Throughout the 2021 season, many special events are taking place. Winners of weekly events receive a GOLD golf ball.
Below is an excerpt from the Ladies Club history:
In 1970, Alice Rankin decided there should be a ladies’ club at Burnaby Mountain. Regular play started in the spring of 1971, with Alice Rankin as the first captain. It took Alice the better part of a year to convince the Parks Board that we needed a shelf to write on and a bench to sit on to change shoes. Alice persuaded Dairyland to donate a trophy which is still in use today.
She donated a shield for the over 50’s which is now designated for the over 60’s. When the club first started players had to be coaxed to go in outside tournaments. Then we had qualifying rounds to decide who would go in the tournaments. We were always well represented at tournaments and field days. Then second and third teams became very popular and they were chosen in handicap order. Since the first days of the club the course has changed in many ways.
The pro shop was where the coffee shop is now located. The nines were opposite to what they are now and many of the holes have been changed over the years. We have a large age spread in our members and we are always proud of the older members. Each executive has its own ideas on how the club should be run and over the years new ideas, new competitions and tournaments have been added. We are extremely proud of our club and feel we have an excellent membership and wonderful golf course.
Written 1991 - Updated 2005 and 2020.
The original copy is in the Golf Museum at 2545 Blanca St, Vancouver, near U.B.C.