Vancouver Park Board To Re-Open Langara GC May 15th

via Vancouver Parks Golf
Following the resumption of play at Fraserview and McCleery golf courses last week, the Vancouver Park Board will reopen Langara Golf Course to public use on Friday, May 15. Since reopening, available daily tee times at Fraserview and McCleery have been more than 90% booked.
Langara’s clubhouse will remain closed and staff will continue to use its kitchen to prepare thousands of daily meals as part of a joint effort with the City of Vancouver to provide food to vulnerable residents in the Downtown Eastside.
Physical Distancing Protocols
The Park Board consulted closely with industry partners and Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) as it prepared to reopen its golf courses. Play at Langara will be governed by the same rigorous physical distancing protocols for golfers and staff that have been successfully implemented at Fraserview and McCleery:
- All bookings will be completed online, with payment on site, no walk-ups allowed
- Golfers will be asked to arrive at the course no more than 20 minutes prior to tee off, and to remain in their vehicles (no congregating) until they are ready to pay and play. They will be directed to leave immediately after completing their play
- Access to the golf shop will be limited to two guests at a time
- Food and beverage services will remain closed
- Contactless pay will be required (debit and credit only, no cash)
- A single rider cart policy has been implemented with all carts being sanitized in a designated area between use. Pull carts will be sanitized for every user. No rental clubs will be available
- All frequent touch points, such as bunker rakes, garbage can lids, sand bottles, ball washers, and shoe blowers, have been removed from the courses
- Flag sticks will not be touched. Cup fillers will prevent the ball from going to the bottom of the hole
Langara’s perimeter trails will remain fully open throughout the day, providing the community access to nature and green space.
Each of the sites is highly supervised, attendance is managed, and their facilities allow for new physical distancing protocols.
The Park Board continues to review the feasibility of reopening other facilities and will make adjustments to its operations based on the latest information provided by VCH and the Provincial Health Officer.