World Handicap System (WHS) Online Training Seminar Videos

World Handicap System Online Training Seminar
On behalf of British Columbia Golf, thank you for your interest in the World Handicap System!
The following four-part Online Training Seminar is being provided to help educate and authorize golf clubs in British Columbia to administer the World Handicap System. However, individuals are also permitted to view this content for their own knowledge.
If you are a club representative accessing the Online Training Seminar to fulfill a WHS education certification requirement, please contact Jerome Goddard at After watching the seminar, Jerome will give you access to a 20-question certification quiz. This quiz is open book and a score of at least 80% is required to satisfy the club certification requirement.
Thank you for spending time to learn about the World Handicap System. If you have any questions, please contact Jerome at
Here are the links to the 4 videos:
Intro & Part 1: WHS Certification video link on Youtube
Part 2: WHS Certification video link on Youtube
Part 3: WHS Certification video link on Youtube
Part 4: WHS Certification video link on Youtube