Superintendent Fights Cancer With Go Fund Me Campaign

Eagle Ranch Resort Superintendent Mike Warriner (shown with family) has been diagnosed with Stage Four Esophageal Cancer and a campaign has been started to help with the costs associated with Immunotherapy.
In late October, 2018 Mike Warriner was diagnosed with Stage Four Esophageal Cancer.
At age 43 for a husband and father of two young children (ages 5 and 9) this was unexpected and devastating news.
Mike has dedicated the last 20 years of his career to Eagle Ranch Resort where he has done a masterful job at providing one of the finest golf courses in Western Canada. To all that know him, Mike is a kind, soft spoken individual who has generously donated years of his time coaching and mentoring a variety of children through the minor hockey program. Mike has always been a good listener and in a heartbeat would help a friend or family member in need while never complaining or asking for help himself.

Despite being diligent with his diet, health and chemo treatments none of these efforts have made any significant change to the Cancer. In other words, he is not getting any better and the chemotherapy is not working.
As we all know, Mike is a strong and determined individual who will fight for everything he believes in. The Warriner family is looking at alternate treatments called Immunotherapy. This type of treatment works by using your own immune system to fight cancer. There have been many successful outcomes of this type of treatment and Mike is a great candidate. The treatments are costly and can surmount to approximately $100,000.
This campaign was launched to help Mike survive Stage Four Esophageal Cancer.
By sharing Mike’s story we are raising awareness of Cancer and alternate Immunotherapy treatments for Cancer patients. We hope this helps other people in similar situations.
Click HERE to go to Go Fund Me page.