Uplands GC Superintendent Brian Youell Receives GCSAA Award

Brian Youell image credit: Chad Hipolito
Brian Youell Fins 2018 Leo Feser Award From GCSAA
Brian Youell, the golf course superintendent at Uplands Golf Club in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, has been selected as the recipient of the 2018 Leo Feser Award from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA).
Now in its 41st year, the award is presented annually to the author of the best superintendent-written article published in Golf Course Management, the association’s flagship publication, during the previous year.
Youell, a 21-year member of GCSAA, authored the story “Down, But Not Out,” which was published in the November 2017 issue of GCM
His story focused on the very personal challenges that he encountered following a serious head injury suffered on the job, the long road to recovery that he endured and how the experience changed him, both personally and professionally. Youell’s story was a follow up to a story published in GCM in September 2011 (“Aftermath of an accident).
CLICK HERE for complete story.