BC Summer Games Zone Qualifiers Kick Off In Squamish Valley This Weekend

The 2018 BC Summer Games are being held in the beautiful Cowichan Valley this year from July 19 - 22nd. As part of the BC Summer Games lead-up, the golf competition holds zone qualifying events and the first one is set to get underway this weekend, on Sunday April 29th at the Squamish Valley Golf & Country Club.
The BC Summer Games are open to all active members of BC Golf with an established handicap, between the ages of 12 and 16. Boys and Girls are eligible. You must qualify through your zone qualifiers.
Please refer to the below link with an interactive map. Your civic address determines which Zone Qualifier you need to attend.
Zones broken down by communities
BC Summer Games Zone 5 (Vancouver-Coastal):
Boys: April 29th Squamish Valley Golf & Country Club
CLICK HERE for British Columbia Golf BlueGolf BC Summer Games registration.
To register for this weekend's BC Summer Games Zone 5 Qualifer please Contact:
For future qualifiers please see schedule below.
BC Summer Games Zone Qualifiers:
BC Summer Games Zone 1 (Kootenays):
BC Summer Games Zone 2 (Thompson-Okanagan):
Girls & Boys: May 12th Vernon Golf & Country Club
BC Summer Games Zone 3 (Fraser Valley):
Girls: May 20th Royalwood Golf Club
BC Summer Games Zone 4 (Fraser River):
Girls: May 20th Royalwood Golf Club
BC Summer Games Zone 5 (Vancouver-Coastal):
Boys: April 29th Squamish Valley Golf & Country Club
Girls: May 20th Royalwood Golf Club
BC Summer Games Zone 6 (Vancouver Island – Central Coast):
Girls & Boys: May 19th & 20th Pheasant Glen Golf Course
Girls: June 2nd & 3rd Cedar Hills Golf Course
Boys: June 2nd & 3rd Course TBD Contact Pat Irwin - p4irw2@telus.net
BC Summer Games Zone 7 (North West):
BC Summer Games Zone 8 (Cariboo-North East):
Boys & Girls: May 26th & 27th Dawson Creek
If you are having any trouble figuring out which BC Summer Games Zone you are in, please contact your zone representative, listed below.
Zone 1 - Colin Overennay - mitts88@telus.net
Zone 2 - Barb Silvester - bsilvester@shaw.ca
Zone 3 - Ray Flynn - rayflynn@shaw.ca
Zone 4 - Stephanie Wong - stephaniewonger@gmail.com
Zone 5 - Greg Moody - kylerinn@telus.net
Zone 6 - Pat Irwin - p4irw2@telus.net
Zone 7 – BC Golf Office – Cescon.cris@gmail.com
Zone 8 - Jim McKinnon - mckinnonjj@shaw.ca
Helpful Links
About the Games
The BC Winter and BC Summer Games are British Columbia’s biennial celebration of sport and community. Since 1978, the BC Games have taken place in 38 communities and involved over 350,000 participants and volunteers and thousands more as spectators and supporters.
BC Golf has been involved in the BC Summer Games since 2004. Golf is a core sport, with eight BC Golf zones participating over the last 14 years. In total, BC golfers have played in 8 Games over the years. The host venues for golf have been Ledgeview GC twice, the Redwoods GC, The Dunes, Nanaimo GC, Kelowna GC, Hazelmere GC and in 2018, Cowichan Golf & Country Club.
The purpose of the BC Games is “To provide an opportunity for the development of athletes, coaches, and officials in preparation for higher levels of competition in a multi-sport event which promotes interest and participation in sport and sporting activities, individual achievement and community development.”