BC Provincial Titleist Performance Camp At Northview

The BC Provincial Titleist Performance Camp is fast approaching, Saturday March 10th - Sunday March 11th at Northview Golf & Country Club in Surrey.
Dear Players/Parents
The 2018 BC Golf Provincial Titleist Performance camp has been well oversubscribed with almost 40 registrants to date. Therefore, the registration has been closed early due to the high demand. Every effort is being made to set-up additional camps on a regional basis or to accommodate as many players as possible who are seeking provincial level training for future team selection.
Originally 16 spots were available, we have expanded this to 20 spots. The Performance Camp Selection Committee will meet in the next couple of days to decide the players who will be accepted for the 20 spots for the March 10-11, 2018 camp at Northview Golf Course.
Players will be notified no later than Thursday afternoon, March 1st, 2018.
If you were intending to still register for the camp and are interested in training, please feel free to send a note to elizabeth@britishcolumbiagolf.org and she will place you on our wait list to be notified when the additional camps are confirmed. This includes a camp on Vancouver Island.
Best regards, Debbie Pyne
Managing Director of Player Development