Mobile Version Of Vancouver GOLFEXPO Program Now Live

With the Vancouver GOLFEXPO coming up this weekend, Feb. 17 & 18 at the PNE Forum, you can now preview who is taking part and what there is to see and do in this great kick-start to the golf year.
Simply CLICK HERE or on the image below to see the live, mobile-friendly version of the GOLFEXPO show program with the floor plan of where to find your favourite equipment manufacturers, golf facilities, travel opportunities, instructors, associations and organizations and so much more at this year's show.
There are several 'Hot Deals' included from many of the exhibitors and you can find out in advance what they are in the show program as well as learn about British Columbia Golf's Club Sale Zone, where Tyler McKay has been assembling good quality used clubs for those who may not be able to afford new but want to get into the game.
Especially great for youngsters, this program is aimed at helping get clubs into player's hands at very low, affordable prices with proceeds going to Junior Golf.