British Columbia Golf Office Will Be Closed For The Holiday Season

Everyone at British Columbia Golf would like to wish all golfers and their friends and family a wonderful Holiday season, however you choose to celebrate.
Please be safe and enjoy your loved ones as we all look fore-ward (sorry...) to a new and exciting year in golf in 2018.
Note that the British Columbia Golf office will be closed from Friday, December 15th, 2017 - Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018.
See you all in the New Year!
Best Wishes For The Holidays and The New Year From Golf Canada CEO Laurence Applebaum (Tall Gentleman In The Middle) And BC Golf Staff From L-R: Kojo Frempong, Susan White, Corrie Wong, (Mr. Applebaum), Elizabeth Dunn And British Columbia Golf CEO Kris Jonasson. (Missing from photo: Debbie Pyne, Tyler McKay, Andy Fung and Bryan Outram) - Image Credit Bryan Outram