Victoria Golf Club Mourns Passing Of Past President Clint Nickerson

Clint Nickerson, Victoria Golf Club’s most recent past Club President passed away over the weekend (Saturday, June 3rd) after a very brief fight with cancer.
Clint first started his affection with Victoria Golf Club as a teenager caddying and eventually became a Junior Member. Like many youth, he ventured east and made a career in media.
His love of the Victoria Golf Club never wavered and in 2002 when work brought him to Victoria, Clint jumped at the opportunity to rejoin the Club.
He quickly joined committees and, as soon as allowed, was welcomed as a VGC Board Member for several terms. Clint chaired many committees investing countless hours into the Club. It was only fitting the he accepted the role as VGC Club President from 2015-2017.
“I think we are safe to say that no Member in recent memory has dedicated more time or more passion into this Club than Clint has,” said current Club President, Valerie Fitzpatrick.
When the VGC Board of Directors met last month, they unanimously voted that Clint receive a Life Membership with a plan to honour him during the Membership Appreciation event this August.
Although it was known that he had received news of his cancer, early updates led club members to believe they had more time to thank him. “I was able to let him know that he had received a Life Membership at VGC, and it was very clear how much this honour meant to him,” said Valerie.
“Clint was one of those rare Members that seemed to fit into every group here at VGC. He was a friend to many of us and will be dearly missed around here,” said Scott Kolb, General Manager.
British Columbia Golf, the general golf community and all those who knew Clint, join the Members and Staff at VGC in recognizing the years of Clint's commitment to the betterment of the Club and offer deepest condolences.