Canada's 150th Birthday Celebration Golf Activity Centre Now Live

The much anticipated start of British Columbia Golf's 'Get Out And Play' program launches this Sunday commensurate with Golf Canada's 'Get Out And Golf Day' celebration. 

The goal is to see 150,000 British Columbians partake in 1.5 million golf activities in a span of 150 days beginning on May 28th. As of right now, the Golf Activities Centre is up and running on the Golf Canada site and we will begin officially 'counting activities' beginning this Sunday, the 28th.

It's a simple process to become involved and help reach this goal as we help celebrate Canada's 150th in a fun, healthy and inclusive enviroment.

The great thing about the Golf Activities Centre is that many of the Golf Activities are targeted to people who are not regular golfers, but may enjoy the occasional golf activity over the summer. Getting all levels of golfers, whether it's casual or dedicated involved is one of the best ways to help grow the game of golf. 

For golfers who are not currently members with Golf Canada/British Columbia Golf or registering scores for handicap purposes, they can still receive full access to the Golf Activities Centre. Here is the link where people can go to register:

Accessing and using the Golf Activities Centre is very simple:

  • Log in to Golf Canada account
  • This page is called ‘At-a-Glance’ - click the tab on the right titled ‘Golf Activities’
  • In the ‘Golf Activities Centre’ click the red button that says ‘Add a New Activity’
  • Select the activity completed (a list of Golf Activities is provided to simplify this)
  • Finally, record the date and amount of time spent on the activity and hit ‘Save’
  • Once saved, two numbers appear in the middle of the page:

          1) MY ACTIVITY COUNT - number of Golf Activities completed
          2) MY TIME SPENT - total time spent on Golf Activities

NOTE: Many people leave their Golf Canada account logged in at all times and it will automatically take them to the ‘Post a Score’ page. If this is the case then people will not see the ‘Golf Activities’ tab right away. Not to worry. All people do in this scenario is click on the MENU button on the top right-hand side of the screen and select the tab that says ‘At-a-Glance.’ This will allow them to see the page with the ‘Golf Activities’ tab on the right-hand side and then they complete the process described above.

If you have any questions about the Golf Activities Centre they can be directed to Tyler McKay, or at 604-279-2580 x 208.