Comox Golf Club Stalwart Celebrates Being 90 Years Young

Comox Golf Club's Edith Albrecht (R) Is Welcomed By Club Captain Sharon Crowe At The Zone 6 Spring Captains’ Meeting - Image Courtesy Comox Golf Club/Sharon Crowe
by Sharon Crowe, Comox Ladies Club Capt.
Recently, Edith Albrecht celebrated her 90th birthday. She started her golfing career at age 25, hitting balls in her brother-in-law’s blackberry field. She was hooked by the game and started participating in tournaments in Zone 6, all over Vancouver Island and BC.
There are many trophies at Comox Golf Club that bear her name. Edith would travel to tournaments with her long-time friend and golfing buddy, Trudy Newman, mother of Anne. Trudy would say to Edith, “We need to stop for gas”, but Edith would reply, “NO, next stop”. There were many courses that they arrived at on fumes alone, or limped into a gas station at the very last minute. In all those years of travel they never did run out of gas.
Edith was also an organizer of many tournaments and events at Comox Golf Club. Last year she ran the Friday Night Mixers at the club. Sixty-five years after hitting balls in that blackberry field, she is still an active member, and travels with her niece, Pat Schmidt, and good friend, Grace Coulter, to many golf tournaments on the Island. She even participated in the BC Senior Games last year.
We now know it was not the gas in the car that kept her going, but what was pumping through her veins. The love of golf in her heart.