What Cycling Can Teach Golfers

A Pro Cyclist like Ryder Hesjedal will select a gear he can turn over both fast and powerfully to maximize speed. You need to pick the right gear for your swing to maximize your speed at impact.
First you should understand that you almost can’t stand too close to the ball. Way too many golfers reach out - assuming that width or radius equals distance, when it doesn’t.
Well, it will, but only if you can drive that radius.
Imagine the front chainwheel on a bike. If you are pro cyclist Ryder Hesjedal and you have a giant diesel engine like he does to drive that huge wheel - you can go really fast.
But many, if not most normal golfers at set-up index or preselect too large of a chainwheel by reaching for the ball, and because the radius is too large, they can’taccelerate or turn over the crank quick enough to enable them to gear up to maximum potential speed at impact. Not only lower speeds at impact result, but pressure is applied badly to the mechanics- on a bike it causes damage to the drive-train and you loose power transfer to the road. In golf with the wrong size setup you loose both distance, accuracy and your swing won't flow smooth and fast.
So, if your swing has flaws - and every swing does just by its nature - then you should try to set up with a chainwheel your swing mechanics can turn over - without breaking down the fundamental mechanics of your own machine. This will cause efficiency to flourish.
Set up without a club in your hands, hang your arms freely, then bring your hands together. Golf from there. As the clubs get longer, the ball gets further away from you, but your hands are always in the same place.

You may find yourself closer to the ball, but from there you will have set up with a gear you can spin up to a higher speed at impact with more mechanical effectiveness.
The ball likes to be hit properly, but it loves speed. At impact. That’s when it counts for distance.
The best gearing will not only make you faster at impact, but smoother as well. Race ya!
About The Author: PGA of Canada Professional Karl West hails from New Zealand but now calls Victoria, BC home. Teaching out of Royal Colwood, "Westy," as he in known, tongue-in-cheek terms himself as a "Human Trackman/Golf Scientist." Karl can be reached atnucleusgolf@gmail.com. And Oh, yeah... He bikes to work every day.