Olympic View Holding Fundraiser For Friend And Teammate Lori Hamstra

Olympic View is honoured to be hosting a Golf Fundraiser for our friend and Teammate Lori Hamstra
Registration is required by Thursday February 18th, and can be done quickly by calling the Golf Shop at (250) 474-3673.
Please view the flyer for the event here.
Friday February 26, 2016
Olympic View Golf Club
12:00 noon Shotgun Start, Auction 5:00 pm, Dinner 6:00 pm, Auction Closes 7:30pm
$120 per person includes:
18 holes, shared power cart, practice balls, dinner, auction, draw prizes, $40 donation
$60 dinner-only (non golfing) guests includes a $25 donation.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Do I need to sign up and pay in advance?
A: Yes please. We expect to sell out, so we'd like payment in advance by Feb 18.
Q: I am a member of Olympic View. Is there a discount?
A: Yes. $75 includes everything above and a $30 donation.
Q: I can't make it. Can I still be involved?
A: Yes! Auction donations, cash donations and helping to spread the word & find players are all appreciated. Please feel free to forward this email to friends that may be interested.
Q: May I have a receipt?
A: Yes. Not a tax deductible receipt, but we will email a copy of your credit card payment receipt upon request.
Q: I only want to play 9 holes. Can I still be involved?
A: Yes. 9 hole golfers will begin with the noon shotgun, and may quit after 9. The price does not change ($120), but we'll include a 9-hole "rain cheque" with cart valid until April 14.
Q: What about the weather?
A: We'll play through almost anything, but if the course is closed (snow), we'll issue a "rain cheque" for all 18 holes with cart valid 6 days per week until April 14. The banquet will proceed as scheduled.
Q: How is Lori doing?
A: <Lori>: Hi Everyone, I hope you had a great Holidays!
In June I was diagnosed with Breast and Inflammatory Cancer. Unfortunately there is no cure for Inflammatory cancer. Four months later it had spread to all my lymph nodes on the left side, my left lung, my back, hip and into the bone. They have given me 18 months - 4 years to live, depending on how much it continues to spread.
I have been doing chemo every 3 weeks and having bone infusions monthly. Two months ago they got government funding for me to start a trial which I will be doing for 18 months.
I have 2 more months left of the nasty chemo and then it is just the trial. I am planning on getting back to work once I am just doing the trial. So for those of you I owe lessons to, we can get back at it in April:)) I have so much love and support from family, friends and students that I am staying positive! I plan on beating this and teaching golf for many many years!
So much of the support has come from my work. Since I haven't been able to work since June and to help cover some of the cancer expenses, the guys at Olympic View Golf Club are doing a fundraiser for me. See the flyer with all the info at the link above. There is a golf, dinner and auction option plus a dinner/auction only option. If you would like to play, donate or donate an item to the auction please call the golf shop at 250-474-3673. Matt and Ken are the guys running the fundraiser so they are the best ones to talk to, but anyone there can help.
I hope to see all of you very soon, Lori.