Country Meadows Senior Men's Golf Club Tees Off On Prostate Cancer

Thanks in large part to the Country Meadows Senior Men’s Golf Club donations of over $1M, a new prostate cancer drug is starting human clinical trials in B.C. This drug is designed to target and shut down an advanced cancer when all other treatments have failed.
The drug was developed by researchers at the B.C. Cancer Agency and the University of British Columbia (UBC) and has both FDA and Health Canada approval for testing as an investigational drug.
“Today represents a significant milestone as we witness the fruits of our labour in the lab move to the clinic to potentially help men facing metastatic prostate cancer,” said Dr. Marianne Sadar, scientist at the B.C. Cancer Agency and UBC professor.
In paying tribute to the Country Meadows Sr. Men’s Golf Club Sadar related that the lab is filled with equipment paid for by donations from the club, “They have jumped in and rescued my research. When we’d run out of money…when something’s broken and we have no money to fix it…without them, I wouldn’t have been successful.”
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