Chambers Bay Assistant GM Jamie Fay Suffers Tragic Death In Windstorm

The following message was sent out by Tom Cade, the president of the Pacific Northwest Golf Association (PNGA) to address the tragic loss of Jamie Fay, the Assistant General Manager at Chambers Bay, host of this year's U.S. Open championship.
Jamie Fay succumbed to injuries sustained when a tree fell onto his vehicle during the windstorm this past weekend. The PNGA along with many other golf associations including British Columbia Golf want to express their most sincere condolences to Jamie Fay's wife and family following this terrible accident.
Hello NWGMA Members
As most of you have heard by now, Jamie Fay, the assistant general manager at Chambers Bay, was tragically killed this past weekend during the windstorm that swept through the Puget Sound region on Saturday, August 29. He was 36.
This was a sudden and shocking event, and the region’s golf community feels the loss of a great friend.
Jamie had been an NWGMA member since 2008, which was the year he was hired as the director of sales and marketing at Chambers Bay. Three years later he was promoted to assistant general manager of the course.
For those of you who crossed paths with Jamie during the build-up to the 2010 U.S. Amateur and 2015 U.S. Open championships held at Chambers Bay, you were fortunate – his humor, friendliness and professionalism was a grounding and welcoming presence during the whirlwind of preparation leading up to those national events. A big man with a big heart.
Jamie has left behind a wife and two young daughters (ages three and one). A fund has been set up for the family that Jamie has left behind. Matt Allen, the general manager of Chambers Bay, has asked us to forward the information to those who care to donate to it – see below. We will also be making a donation from the NWGMA general fund.
I know there have been several postings already about Jamie’s passing, and I’m sorry that I haven’t seen them all, but here is a link that Aaron Levine, sports director at KCPQ-13 (Fox in Seattle), posted on Sunday evening:
If you know of links to other postings, or if you have any particular thoughts about Jamie you’d like to share, please send them to me. Memorial services to celebrate the life of Jamie Fay have been scheduled for:
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
1:00 p.m.
University of Puget Sound – Kilworth Memorial Chapel (1500 N. 18th St. Tacoma, Wash. 98416)
Thanks to all.
Tom Cade | Sr. Director of Communications
Editor – Pacific Northwest Golfer magazine
President – Northwest Golf Media Association
Pacific Northwest Golf Association
1010 South 336th Street, Suite 310 | Federal Way, WA 98003
p: 206.526.1238 | f: 206.522.0281 | direct: 253-214-2918
PNGA online: web | facebook | twitter | Pacific Northwest Golfer
Marie Richmond would like you to support:
James (Jamie) Fay Family Support
Donate below, or forward this email to a friend now.
A message from Marie Richmond...
On August 29th 2015 Jamie was coming home from Costco with his daughter, Eilee, when a tree fell on the car. Both were taken to the hospital. Thankfully Eilee only had a few bumps and bruises, but Jamie was taken from his family too soon. Jamie was a wonderful guy with a goofy sense of humor that delighted his daughters, and a love for his wife that was steady and strong. His passing was abrupt and unexpected, leaving behind 2 young daughters and his wife, Jen. Jamie was the sole breadwinner of the family. Please consider donating to help his family financially through this unimaginably difficult time. Money will go towards funeral expenses, food, and basic necessities. We can't help their grief or pain, but we can help lightened the financial burden, leaving Jamie's loved ones with one less thing to worry about. Continue Reading >>