Celebration Of Life For Dick White To Be Held At BC Golf Museum

A Celebration of Life will be held for Dick White on Saturday, April 18th at the BC Golf Museum located at 2545 Blanca Street, Vancouver, BC from 2:00 – 4:00 pm.
Known as a kind and gentle man who led by example and cared deeply for his family, friends and community, White was instrumental in working with the provincial government to cut through all the red tape so that the then newly-formed society could take possession of the old University Golf Course clubhouse and start renovations to create what is now the BC Golf Museum.
Outside of work and family, Dick was passionate about golf. In addition to being a member of Marine Drive Golf Club and Beach Grove Golf Club, Dick was president of the B.C. Golf Association, captain of Beach Grove Golf Club and co-founder of the B.C. Golf House Society. In later years, he also found time to volunteer at the Tsawwassen Community Police Station.
Please contact BC Golf Museum if you plan to attend. Call the Museum at (604)-222-4653 or e-mail them at office@bcgolfhouse.com